- Oil, gas and chemical industry; COVID-19 PPE industry
- Sourcing, supply and trades in PPE, petroleum products (crude oil, LPG/LNG, diesel, jet fuel, gasoline, fuel oil, lubricants, petroleum coke) commodities including soybean, sugar, frozen meats, and metals (copper, aluminium, metal alloys, gold), bauxite, sand and iron ore.
- Sourcing and supply of equipment for manufacturing industry
- Provide lubricant technology solutions catered to specific application or end-use
- Distributor services for biodegradable/bio-based lubricants and grease
- Provide management services for Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP) industry
- Provide consulting services, technical and management support for plant feasibility studies, design, procurement, construction, plant commissioning and start up
- Represent chemical companies with innovative technologies, seek and support technology transfer opportunities
- Support investment and equity participation opportunities in oil and chemical industry
- Provide consulting and management services in the area of Operations Excellence
With our global network of partners, we offer the following services:
- 石油、天然气和化工行业、防疫物资行业
- 防疫物资、石油产品(原油、LPG/LNG、柴油、航煤油、汽油、燃料油、润滑油、石油焦)、商品的采购、供应和贸易,包括大豆、白糖、冷冻肉类和金属(铜、铝、金属合金、黄金)、铝土矿、沙子和铁矿石
- 制造业设备的采购和供应
- 提供满足特定应用或最终用途的润滑油技术解决方案
- 生物可降解润滑油和润滑脂的分销商服务
- 为超吸水性聚合物(保水剂)SAP 行业提供管理服务
- 为工厂可行性研究、设计、采购、建设、工厂调试和投产,提供咨询服务、技术和管理支持
- 以创新技术代表化工公司,寻求和支持技术转让机会
- 提供石油和化工领域的投资和参股方面的咨询服务
- 在运营领域提供精益生产咨询和管理服务
Timothy Phang Background

- 1981: University of Melbourne – Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
- 1981年: 墨尔本大学——化学工程学士
- 1984: University of Melbourne – PhD(Chemical Engineering)
- 1984年: 墨尔本大学——化学工程博士
- 1984-1988: Shell Eastern Petroleum – process technologist, refinery scheduler
- 1984-1988年:壳牌东方石油公司—工艺技术员,炼制计划员
- 1988-1996: Lubrizol Southeast Asia – project manager, plant manager
- 1988-1996年: 路博润东南亚—项目经理,工厂经理
- 1996-1999: Lubrizol-Lanlian Additive Joint Venture – project director, general manager (Tianjin and Lanzhou)
- 1996-1999:路博润兰炼添加剂合资企业—项目总监,总经理(天津与兰州)
- 1999-2003: Lubrizol Southeast Asia – general manager
- 1999-2003年:路博润东南亚—总经理
- 2003-2005: Lubrizol Corporation (Ohio HQ and Texas plant) – technical manager and operations manager
- 2003-2005年: 路博润公司(俄亥俄州总部与德克萨斯州工厂)—技术经理和运营经理
- 2005-2010: Lubrizol Southeast Asia – managing director, Asia Pacific operations manager
- 2005-2010年:路博润东南亚—管理董事,亚太运营经理
- 2010-2013: Lubrizol grassroots lubricant and fuel additive plant project (USD 300 MM) in Zhuhai, south China – general manager
- 2010-2013年:路博润润滑油与添加剂在华南珠海建厂项目(投资2亿8千万美元)总经理
- 2013-2016: Lubrizol Asia Pacific manufacturing director (Singapore, Malaysia, China, India, Korea, Japan, Australia); Lubrizol Southeast Asia managing director
- 2013-2016年: 路博润亚太运营总监(新加坡,马来西亚,中国,印度,韩国,日本,澳大利亚),路博润东南亚—担任管理董事
- Sept 2016: Established PBH Consulting
- 2016年9月:成立腾飞咨询公司